Sunday, July 26, 2009

Dove Chocolate Discoveries Chocolatier from Seattle WA Publishes "Scrumptious World" Blog with Recipes and New Dove Product Info

Seattle area's Ana Toussaint, a DOVE Chocolate Discoveries Chocolatier, from the state of Washington is the newest member of my team. Ana lives on Whidbey Island near Seattle. I like to tease her that she hosts the only Dove Tasting Parties that are smack dab in the Pacific Ocean! Well, sort Clinton WA 98236 and you can see where she lives.

Anyway, Ana is a really sharp and creative person and has started a Wordpress Blog called Scrumptious World's Blog about her Dove Chocolate Discoveries business. What I like about her blog is that she is focusing on the Chocolate! Although the blog is brand new I can see that she plans to feature lots of recipes for all us foodies, cooks, bakers and chefs.

Plus she is finding interesting news items...check out the UK story about a new British Chocolate Study (150 British women are getting paid to eat chocolate everyday for a year! Don't worry Brits....someday Dove Chocolate Discoveries will be doing business in the UK and you can get all get paid just like us American Chocolatiers for eating Dove Chocolate....)

Be sure and check out Ana's blog. It is a fun read.

Till the next time......Carrie Geyer

Friday, July 24, 2009

DOVE CHOCOLATE DISCOVERIES Dips Into At-Home Sales Business - on The Food Channel

Check out this Food Network article about Dove Chocolate Discoveries. DOVE CHOCOLATE DISCOVERIES Dips Into At-Home Sales Business - on The Food Channel

The new products for the Fall and Winter seasons will be revealed in the new catalog on August 10th. And don't forget that a brand new Entertaining Guide with all new Dove Chocolate recipes will also be coming out. Can't Wait!!!!

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Carrie Geyer

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Five Ways to Make Cash Fast - ABC News Report on GMA

Dove Chocolate Discoveries was featured in a report about direct sales on Good Morning America. Several well known companies are mentioned including DCD. Click on Five Ways to Make Cash Fast - ABC News

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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Dove Chocolate Discoveries July Party Hostess Promotion

DOVE Chocolate Party Hostesses Can Earn Double Free Credits and Double Half Price Items in July!!!

In Dollars and Sense that means that a party with $200 - $349 in sales gets the hostess $50 in free DOVE Dollars. A party with $350 - $499 in sales gets the hostess $100 in free DOVE Dollars and 2 half price items. Want to supersize your DOVE party?? Have a $1000 party and you will earn 8 half priced items and $400 in free DOVE Dollars!

Any Hostess in July can use their DOVE Dollars to get DOVE products or our $149 business kit with over $300 in DOVE products to start a recession busting business!!