Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Martha Stewart Will Entertain DOVE CHOCOLATE DISCOVERIES™

The Martha Stewart Show &

   It's A Good Thing!!!

The Martha Stewart Show will feature DOVE CHOCOLATE DISCOVERIES on Wednesday, December 16 (barring any programming schedule changes). The 2 – 3 minute segment will air on all stations that carry the show. It’s a good thing!

DOVE Chocolatier, Erica Christenson from Madison, WI will be joining Martha. Erica is currently #1 in sales volume and October’s top recruiter. During the segment, she and Martha will create a decadent holiday dessert in minutes - while they teach viewers about our exclusive line of chocolate products and entertaining ideas sold by Chocolatiers like me.

Together they will showcase the versatility of DCD products and the endless possibilities for easy entertaining and gift giving. And generate vast interest in DCD among Martha’s audience, who’s already likely to find the combination of chocolate, home entertaining and a business opportunity appealing!

All lucky audience members will receive a tasty DCD giveaway from Martha at the end of the show – to ensure we remain on their minds well after the lights go down. The timing is no mistake either - the holidays being a time of year when making extra cash and finding financial freedom are most appealing.

This DCD opportunity is an extension of the existing DOVE® brands partnership with Martha Stewart. DOVE® will also have two on air segments on December 9 and 10.

We’re extremely excited about this opportunity and hope you are too! Tune in on December 16, as we continue to build brand awareness and share the fabulous DOVE CHOCOLATE DISCOVERIES  opportunity with chocolate lovers across the nation!

Talk Soon...Carrie Geyer

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