Tuesday, February 9, 2010

New Products Focus is on Peanut Butter &.......DOVE Chocolate!!!

New DOVE Chocolate Discoveries Products Unveiled at Conference....the flavor of Peanuts is the one of the stars this time.

I can't wait to see the reaction at my parties when people get to taste the new Dove Chocolate Discoveries Peanut Butter Smoothie with Chocolate Chips...can you imagine adding 2 scoops of Chocolate Ice Cream for a DOVE Shake?

Another big hit at the Conference: Mini Peanut Butter filled Dove Chocolate Baking Bits.....yum!!!  These will make awesome snacks and even more awesome Chips for Brownies, Cupcakes and Cookies...
 And how about this gourmet candy:  Chardonnay Peanut Brittle with Caramel Covered Cocoa Nibs....what a unique taste treat.  I love trying new flavors and foods and I can't wait for my hostesses and their friends to try this one at parties this Spring!

There are a few other products unveiled this past weekend and I will write about those in the next  post.  Talk Soon....Carrie Geyer

Monday, February 8, 2010

Carrie Geyer Photos of the Great Blizzard of 2010

Visit My Facebook page to see Kids, a dog, birds, snowplows, etc. dealing with lots of snow!!!  We survived this storm and just waiting to see what the next one brings.  We are thankful to be warm, fed and together in Delaware.  The last picture below shows Route 113, Milford Delaware at 8 am on Sunday, midway thru the blizzard. 

Click the post title above or the facebook link below to see more photos:
Facebook | Carrie Mott Geyer