Thursday, January 22, 2009

5 More Things to do with Dove Chef Series White Chocolate!

Five more things to do with Dove White Chocolate:
1. Shave the White Chocolate in our Dessert Decorator and decorate cakes and chocolate mousse or top our hot drinks with it

2. Top our Truffle Fudge Brownies with White Chocolate Ganache

3. Bake our Double Chocolate Chip Cookies in a mini muffin pan to create thumbprint cookies. When you remove the cookies from the oven, take a spoon and press down on the center of the cookie, and pour the melted White Chocolate in the “thumbprint” and serve when cooled.

4. Create White Chocolate Chunk Double Chocolate Chip Cookies – cut the White Chocolate into chunks and stir into the cookie mix with the DOVE® Dark Chocolate Chips and bake as instructed

5. Create White Chocolate Dessert Cups by filling an individual silicone cupcake mold with tempered White Chocolate. Empty the excess White Chocolate back into the Tempering Unit or onto Parchment paper to create bark. Refrigerate for 20-25 minutes to set up and then slowly peel the silicone away from the white chocolate dessert cup.

I hope you have enjoyed all 16 ideas for Dove's new Chef Series White Chocolate. Now let's all get Busy and try these out!!